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Trial of Dedan Kimathi, The

By Micere Githae Mugo , Ngugi wa Thiong'o

Year staged: 1984

Opening night: 15/10/1984

Theatre Company: Wazalendo Players 84

Staged in: Africa Centre

Cast Size: Unknown


The Trial of Dedan Kimathi is set during 1952-60, the last phase of British colonial rule in Kenya. Kimathi, leader of the Kenyan Land and Freedom Army (Mau Mau) is shown in the final confrontation with his British Captors before his execution in 1957. Written by Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Micere Githae Mugo The Trial of Dedan Kimathi was first performed in Kenya,with subsequent productions in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Nigeria.

Find the script

Trial of Dedan Kimathi, The

Publisher: Heinemann

Year published: 1977

Production Team

Daniel Baron Cohen


Ngugi wa Thiong'o


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