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Ritual By Water

By Edgar Nkosi White

Year staged: 1983

Theatre Company: Lumumba Theatre Group

Staged in: The Factory

Cast Size: 10


Barzey, a youth-centre worker in Hackney is disillusioned with the world. He listens to the news, and buries himself in his books. Though his fortress of radical black academia gives him purpose, it also isolates him from the people around him who are too trapped in the cycles of life to slow down and observe it. His only companion is his imagined guardian angel, Uncle Charles, who always spoke sense into him. As Barzey’s mood declines day to day, he realises his only way out is to rekindle the connections with the people around him.

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Ritual By Water

Publisher: Methuen

Year published: 1984

Original Cast

Gladstone Brown


Joseph Iles

Barzey (Understudy)

Eunice Allen


Everal Hall

Uncle Charles

Sandra Edwards


Simon Baxendale

Morris / Nutter

David Whyte


Kofi Don

Wages (Understudy)

Clifton Goldson


Michael Stuart


Marigold Brown


Production Team

Ian Worrell


Marcia Green

Sound and Lighting

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