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Ilé La Wà (We Are Home)

By Tolu Agbelusi

Year staged: 2016

Opening night: 27/11/2016

Staged in: Rich Mix, Bethnal Green

Cast Size: 4


Caught in the web of the British government’s hostile environment, four characters’ lives are interrupted when they can’t produce valid ID in a spot check. Some say they are just collateral damage and others say certain people are being targeted. What follows in the holding room where they wait for verification of their legal status’, are a series of interrogations of the self and each other, laying bare the realities and implications of always being ‘the other’ in a place you call home. Ilé la Wà (Yorùbá for ‘We Are Home’), challenges you to see the humanity in others and ponder the question ‘how do you belong to a place that doesn’t see you’?

Original Cast

Bayo Gbadamosi


Flo Wilson


Rudzani Moleya


Tolu Agbelusi


Production Team

Tolu Agbelusi


Marco Turchich

Set Designer and Lighting

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