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Boys Don't

Year staged: 2018

Opening night: 20/03/2017

Theatre Company: London; Half Moon Theatre

Staged in: Half Moon Theatre, White Horse Road (1990 -)

Cast Size: 4


What’s a boy to do? From the playground to the classroom, from home to the uncharted waters of online, boys learn that displaying their feelings is a no-no. But what happens to emotion that can’t be let out? The play was co-written by Justine Coe, Hadiru Mahdi, Tanaka Mhishi, Steve Tasane and Rosemary Harris,

Original Cast

Justin Coe


Hadiru Mahdi


Tanaka Mhishi


Steve Tasane


Justin Coe


Hadiru Mahdi


Tanaka Mhishi


Steve Tasane


Production Team

Rosemary Harris

Playwright (co-writer)

Justin Coe

Playwright (co-writer)

Hadiru Mahdi

Playwright (co-writer)

Tanaka Mhishi

Playwright (co-writer)

Steve Tasane

Playwright (co-writer)

Chris Elwell

Creative Consultant / Dramaturg

Phil Clarke

Lighting Designer

Rosemary Harris

Playwright (co-writer)

Justin Coe

Playwright (co-writer)

Hadiru Mahdi

Playwright (co-writer)

Tanaka Mhishi

Playwright (co-writer)

Steve Tasane

Playwright (co-writer)

Chris Elwell

Creative Consultant / Dramaturg

Phil Clarke

Lighting Designer

Additional Materials

Link to Playscript


Ref: MPS/1/14347

British Library

Link to Stages of Half Moon (Half Moon Theatre Archive)

Stages of Half Moon (Half Moon Theatre Archive)

Half Moon Theatre Archive (Stages of Half Moon)

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